Agroforestry and Silvo Pasture

Agroforestry and Silvo Pasture


Meet the Farmers at the 2023 Agroforestry Show (click HERE) 

The Regenerative Agroforestry Podcast (click HERE) 



Reports and Articles 

Tree planting for tenants - Scottish Government briefing paper (click HERE)

Soil Association: Trees and woodland in the farmed landscape, Scotland  (click HERE)

Forest to pasture: Keeping trees could reduce climate consequences (click HERE)

Soil Association: Integrating trees on farms and crofts in Scotland (click HERE)

Soil Association: the Agroforestry Handbook (click HERE)

Soil Association: Regenerative Forestry report (click HERE)

 Evidence base for agroforestry and potential carbon-neutral livestock systems (click HERE)

 Ecological and economic benefits of flowering understoreys in an agroforestry system (click HERE)

 How can agroforestry contribute towards biodiversity conservation? (click HERE)


Integrating Agroforestry into your Farming Business (click HERE) 

Panel discussion on the documentary 'The Scottish Breed and consumer choices' (click HERE)

Silvopasture: Planting for Shelter & Forage (click HERE)

Integrating trees, woodland and forestry into farming practice (click HERE)

What will it take for Agroforestry to become commonplace on English farms? - Groundswell 2022 (click HERE)


Changes needed for tenant farmers to hit green potential (click HERE)

Agroforestry in the Uplands

Trees, organics and biodiversity at Royal Highland Show (click HERE)

Integrating trees network (click HERE)

About Agroforestry (click HERE)

 Silvopasture (click HERE)

 Farm Woodland Forum: Silvopastoral agroforestry (click HERE)

 REFOREST Project: Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainability in multifunctional landscapes in Europe.  (click HERE)

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